Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Quick and Dirty Reinstall of Windows 10 on XPS 13

I just wanted to share this super easy and dirty way to do a clean reinstall on an OEM-installed XPS 13 (in this case it was the XPS but can be any OEM Windows 10).

  1. Use Johan's instructions on creating a fresh ISO of newest Windows 10:
  2. Create a bootable USB key
    1. Diskpart
      1. list disk
      2. select disk 1
      3. clean
      4. cre part pri
      5. format fs=fat32 quick
      6. assign
      7. active
    2. Mount the ISO (in this case shows up as e:\)
    3. xcopy e:\*.* f:\ /cherkyi
  3. On the OEM-installed XPS 13Run in PowerShell "Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination d:\drivers" while you have the USB key as D:\ on it
    1. This exports all 3rd party drivers to the USB
  4. Mount the install.wim with dism to add the drivers to the Windows image itself
    1. copy d:\install.wim c:\temp
    2. dism /mount-wim /wimfile:install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:mount
    3. Dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:d:\drivers /Recurse
    4. dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:mount /commit
    5. copy /y install.wim d:\sources\ (or replace with other means)
  5. (You can repeat the previous for the D:\Sources\Boot.wim if you want to skip steps 7 & 8) 
  6. Boot the new machine with the USB
  7. If you can't find the disk so do the following
    1. Hit Shift+F10 to get to the command prompt
    2. Change to your drivers folder like c:\Drivers
    3. Run "for /r %i in (*.inf) do drvload "%i"
  8. Refresh the disk view
  9. Clean the disks and install Windows 10
So what this does is takes all needed drivers from the preinstalled OS and makes sure your new OS (and WinPE if you did the step 5) has the same drivers :) Your Device Manager should look quite nice without any additional steps!



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